Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Currah Family

We braved the wind and cold to make this photo shoot happen. It wasn't so bad for me, because I was all bundled up behind the camera, but the Currah's were freezing without their coats! Robyn is my good friend from work. She has the cutest kids, and her handsome husband has the bluest eyes ever! They are such a photogenic family - my goodness! I had so much fun taking their pictures. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I snapped up a storm on my vacation to Georgia. Here are few gems! Recognize this cute little guy? Yep, he's my grandson! He looks relatively still in these photos. That's rare!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The McCormicks

What a fun way to spend the morning of 11.11.11 - taking pictures of Leo and his cute kids! When I arrived at our location, I was surprised to see frost on the grass, and we quickly realized that all the cool benches were frosty, too. I don't think the temperature made it out of the 30s while we took pictures. Brrrr...winter is on its way! But the sun was shining and we made the most of a beautiful morning with lots of smiles and clicks! Enjoy!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Brittany + Bryson + Owen!

You are such an adorable family, Brittany and Bryson! I had so much fun taking your pictures and I'm glad we could fit this photo shoot in while fall was in full color. I love Owen's expressions - oh my goodness, he is such a little charmer! Enjoy!